
We’re here to help.

Learning Hub

Access our full suite of manuals and documentation:

  • 'A Quick Guide to PRIMER'
  • 'Change in Marine Communities, 3rd edition'
  • 'PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial'
  • 'PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Software and Statistical Methods'
  • 'Should I Use PRIMER or R?'

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Frequently asked questions

If I already have PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER 6, do I have to buy it again when I upgrade to PRIMER 7?

No. If you upgrade from PRIMER 6 to PRIMER 7 and you already have the PERMANOVA+ add-on, then your new PRIMER 7 licence will automatically include PERMANOVA+ as well.

My colleague has left the organisation, can I use their PRIMER software that my organisation purchased for them?

The organisation or IT representative should notify PRIMER-e of any changes to its nominated end-user. Ask them to email us so that we can update our licence database and you can begin using the software.

I can’t remember my serial number(s), can you help me find it?

You can find your serial number by opening PRIMER and navigating to Help > About PRIMER…. This will open a screen that displays your licence type, add-on, and serial number.

If you are still having trouble or have purchased a lot of licences, please contact us ( with the purchaser details or invoice number so we can help you find your serial number(s).

Will I have to stop using the student licence when I stop studying?

If the student has purchased the licence with their own funds, they may carry on using it once they have completed their studies. Once the student begins working professionally and uses it within a commercial, public, or academic entity, then they should obtain a licence appropriate for their new status within their specified organisation.

However, in accordance with our end-user licence agreement (EULA), if the University (or other organisation) owns the student licence, they may transfer it to another student, and advise us of the change so we can update our records accordingly. Alternatively, the University may choose to gift the licence to the student and the student will then own it.

Can several users use a single computer with the software installed on it?

We sell Designated Computer licences for this purpose (refer to our EULA for usage limits). Please email us at for more information.

Does the licence key expire?

No. Our licence keys do not expire.

What’s the maximum number of installations?

Each Individual end-user licence is for use by a single individual, named as the registered end-user at the time of purchase. The licence key may be installed on up to two (2) machines (e.g., a work machine and a home machine or laptop).

A Group licence is designed for use by a specified number of end-users (e.g., 5), and may be installed on that specified number of machines at any one time.

When I install the software, my computer says “the number of installations allowed for this licence key has been exceeded”. What can I do?

If you have multiple devices with PRIMER installed, simply uninstall PRIMER from one of them to allow you to install it on another.

If you are unable to uninstall it from your device before installing on a new device, please email us directly at with your name, licence serial number (or licence key) and a request to reset your licence. We’ll check the information you provide against our records and let you know once the licence is free for re-installation (within 1-2 business days). If you are not the registered end-user, please note that we will need the registered end-user to get in touch with us to confirm your request.